Perl eb00k collection

مجموعه کتاب های آموزش پرل

11/06/2011 08:15 PM 5,335,331 Advanced Perl Programming - O'Reilly 1999.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 877,945 Advanced Perl Programming, 2nd Edition (2005).chm
03/02/2012 08:05 AM 0 ali.txt
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 840,760 Automating Windows with Perl - Miller Freeman 1999.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 4,130,430 Beginning Perl - Wrox 2000.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,432,070 Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 2,901,847 Beginning Perl Web Development - From Novice To Professional (2006).pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 3,525,546 Bioinformatics Biocomputing and Perl - Wiley 2004.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,595,411 Christiansen - Perl Cookbook 2e (O'Reilly, 2003).chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 2,810,014 Data Munging with Perl - Manning 2001.pdf
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 564,707 Effective Perl Programming - Writing Better Programs with Perl - Addison Wesley 1997.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 4,041,101 Extending and Embedding Perl - Manning 2003.pdf
04/07/2005 09:17 AM 4,330,298 Extending_And_Embedding_Perl.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,423,859 Foy - Mastering Perl (O'Reilly, 2007).pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 2,669,429 Graphics Programming with Perl - Manning 2002.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 8,976,322 Higher-Order Perl Transforming Programs with Programs - Morgan Kaufmann 2005.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 546,173 Intermediate Perl (2006).chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 466,651 Learning Perl Objects References & Modules.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 4,794,413 Learning Perl on Win32 Systems - O'Reilly 1997.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 716,761 Learning Perl, 4th Edition (2005).chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 6,428,657 Mastering Algorithms with Perl - O'Reilly 1999.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,423,859 Mastering Perl - O'Reilly 2007.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 734,441 Mastering Perl for Bioinformatics.chm
01/04/2007 10:33 PM 3,418,090 Mastering Perl Tk 1st ed 2002.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 9,611,953 Minimal Perl for UNIX and Linux People - Manning 2006.pdf
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 157,646 mod_perl Quick Reference Card.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 839,789 MySQL and Perl for the Web - New Riders 2001.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 9,956,690 Network Programming with Perl 2000.chm
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 308,243 O'Reilly - Network Programming with Perl.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,595,411 O'Reilly - Perl Cookbook 2nd Edition.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 10,898,295 O'Reilly - Programming Perl.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 5,321,904 Object Oriented Perl - Manning 2000.pdf
08/25/2007 03:19 AM 546,173 Oreilly.Intermediate.Perl.Mar.2006.chm
02/15/2012 06:57 AM 1,648,657 Oreilly.Learning.Perl.Student.Workbook.2nd.Edition.Jan.2012.pdf
07/10/2003 11:00 PM 6,428,657 Oreilly.Mastering.Algorithms.with.Perl.Aug.1999.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 8,606,111 Perl - The Complete Reference 2nd Edition - McGraw-Hill 2001.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 3,353,663 Perl 5 by Example - Que 1996.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 438,049 Perl 6 and Parrot Essentials 2nd Edition.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 329,995 Perl 6 Essentials - O'Reilly 2003.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 937,132 Perl and XML.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 871,386 Perl Best Practices (2005).chm
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 1,595,411 Perl Cookbook 2nd Edition.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 8,265,295 Perl Database Programming - Wiley 2003.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 2,182,984 Perl for Oracle DBAs.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,459,465 Perl for Sysadmins - O'Reilly.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,077,391 Perl for System Administration.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 596,974 Perl Hacks - Tips And Tools For Programming Debugging And Surviving (2006).chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,174,845 Perl in a Nutshell 2nd Edition - O'Reilly 2002.chm
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 1,250,505 Perl Medic - Transforming Legacy Code - Addison Wesley 2004.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 15,089,951 Perl Power! - The Comprehensive Guide - Thomson 2006.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 5,753,805 Perl Programmers Reference Guide Version 5.005_02.pdf
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 616,762 Perl Programming for Biologists - Wiley 2003.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 989,439 Perl Template Toolkit.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 655,950 Perl Testing - A Developers Notebook - O'Reilly 2005.chm
11/06/2011 08:14 PM 36,076 Perl Win32 Quick Reference.pdf
04/07/2005 08:23 AM 197,539 Perl_Tk_Pocket_Reference.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 2,398,061 Practical mod_perl - O'Reilly 2003.chm
05/16/2008 08:48 PM 11,435,485
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 2,133,324 Pro Perl Parsing - Apress 2005.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 11,011,392 Professional Perl Programming - Wrox 2001.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 4,522,727 Programming Perl 2nd Edition - O'Reilly 1996.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,978,248 Programming Perl 3rd Edition.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 221,103 Programming Perl 5 Quick Reference Guide.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,010,810 Programming the Network with Perl - Wiley 2002.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 676,116 Programming the Perl DBI - O'Reilly 2000.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,003,571 Programming Web Services with Perl.chm
02/06/2008 12:27 AM 5,818,746 Syngress.Perl.Scripting.for.IT.Security.Dec.2007.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 5,594,228 Teach Yourself CGI Programming With Perl in a Week - Sams 1996.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 6,569,922 Teach Yourself Perl 5 In 21 Days.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 3,119,559 Teach Yourself Perl in 21 Days - Sams 1996.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,744,793 Teach Yourself Perl in 24 Hours 3rd Edition - Sams 2005.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 10,595,956 The Perl CD Bookshelf 3.0.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 9,724,285 The Perl CD Bookshelf 4.0.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 10,595,618 The Visibooks Guide to Perl Basics.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,711,911 Web Client Programming with Perl - O'Reilly 1997.pdf
04/07/2005 10:10 AM 4,182,802 Web Graphics & PerlTk.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 23,524,583 Wicked Cool Perl Scripts - No Starch Press 2006.pdf
01/27/2012 06:31 AM 23,200,227 Wicked Cool Perl Scripts - Useful Perl Scripts That Solve Difficult Problems_Steve Oualline [ No Starch Press ].pdf
05/16/2009 03:38 AM 18,427,054 Wiley.Practical.Text.Mining.with.Perl.Aug.2008.pdf
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 1,770,864 Writing Apache Modules with Perl and C.chm
11/06/2011 08:15 PM 3,616,161 Writing Perl Modules for CPAN - Apress 2002.pdf

حجم فایل : 276mb


اولین دوره تخصصی Perl Programming

سلام به همه ی دوستداران پرل

شرکت رایان فارمد برای اولین بار در مشهد دوره آموزش پرل رو برگذار کرده. 

محتوای سرفصل ها برای کاربر مبتدی پرل مناسب انتخاب شده است.

 I 1. Introducing PERL
2. Basic concept
3. Scalars, integers, floating-point numbers, and strings
4. Operators
5. Arrays, hashes, references, and Typeglobs
6. Structure, flow and control
7. Subroutines
8. Using modules and CPAN
9. Scope & visibility
10. Regular expression
11. IO and file handles
12. Files & directories
13. Writing IPC server and client
14. Working SMTP,FTP,SSH,Web Services and REST full services
15. Automating interaction with websites
16. Network monitoring with LIBPCAP
17. Session on advanced topics elective by students

همین جا بنده از شرکت رایان فارمد و استاد ارزشمند آقای حسینی مدرس دوره بخاطر این فعالیت مفید و ارزشمندشون تشکر می کنم. 

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